Payroll Control Record

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Payroll Control Record

Transaction code to access Payroll Control Record is PA03.
SPRO path:
Personnel Management -> Personnel Administration -> Organizational Data -> Create Control Record.
The Payroll Control Record describe the current payroll period and payroll past for retroactive accounting. Payroll Control Record locks the HR Master Data against changes during a payroll run. 

Payroll area and Payroll control record
Employees payroll area is maintained in Organization assignment infotype(0001).Payroll areas are used to group together employees for whom payroll is run at the same time. Employees from different employee subgroups can belong to the same payroll area.Payroll  Control record  should  be created for every payroll area. This control record controls the individual stages of payroll.

Payroll Control Record is important for the payroll run, and which contains all the information on a payroll area.
A Payroll control record is tool used to control the payroll related activities. The main functions/status of a control record are:
1) Released for  Payroll
2) Release payroll for corrections
3) Exit Payroll
4) Check Payroll Results

Payroll Process:

When payroll runs HR  master data and time data changes are not allowed . This can be controlled by payroll control record.
Phases in payroll run:
Release Payroll -locks the personnel number comes under payroll area.
Check Result- Check the payroll result after payroll run
Corrections -lock on master data and time data records for the payroll area will be released. You can make changes in infotypes for personnel numbers having selected payroll area.
Exit Payroll - Payroll Control Record releases infotypes and locks payroll area for payroll run.

Sections in Payroll Control Record
The Payroll Control Record screen is divided into 4 sections:
1.    Payroll Area-Payroll area of Payroll Control Record.
2.    Payroll Status-There will be a green tick in this section corresponding to current payroll run status.
3.    Payroll Period - It also defines the current payroll period with exact dates and indicates how many   times a payroll has run.
4.    Earliest Retro Accounting Period -This section shows the greatest earliest payroll period for retroactive accounting.
5.    Last Change to Personnel Control Record - This section indicates who changed the Payroll Control Record, when, and status.

Uses of  Payroll Control Record:
Main role of Payroll Control Record are 
1. To display the payroll status (released for payroll, release
     for corrections, check payroll results, exit payroll).
2. To determines last payroll run period
3. To determines earliest retro accounting period.