Card Transactions Process
Credit card transactions
includes mainly two following process
of credit card transactions to Travel Management
of credit card transactions to a trip of an employee
Credit card file is provided
by banks in a standard format accepted by SAP. The
credit card company must provide the credit card files in one of the following
· File format CCD
· File format MasterCard CDF 3 from
· File format VISA VCF 4 from Visa
· File format AMEX GL1025 from American
Two credit card
processing options are
processing/standard processing
In standard processing,
employee have to assign the credit card transactions to his/her
trips manually and save the trip.
2.Automatic processing
In automatic processing,
system assigns credit card transactions to trips and saves the trip.
variants in credit card clearing
Process variants in credit
card clearing are as follows
variant 1: Settlement
of credit card charges reimbursed via employee's private bank account
We can apply this process
variant when employees use a personal corporate credit cards with
employee liability. Then he/she receives the credit card bill for their own
travel expenses and pays bill to credit card bank using his/her own personal
bank account and then company reimburse the approved travel expenses to the
Example: An employee spent 425 USD for air
fare (for official travel expense) and also 125 USD for private expense using
personal corporate credit card.
The employee will delete the private expenses from the credit card receipt while assigning the credit card expenses to trip. The employee then pays the total expenses 550 USD to the credit card company.
The employee will delete the private expenses from the credit card receipt while assigning the credit card expenses to trip. The employee then pays the total expenses 550 USD to the credit card company.
Expense Employee
vendor Credit card vendor
425 USD 425 USD 0 USD
125 USD
425 USD 425 USD 0 USD
125 USD
variant 2: Settlement
of credit card charges reimbursed via employee's private bank account and/or
settlement using central corporate account for approved travel expenses
We can apply this process
variant when employees use personal corporate credit cards with employee
liability, where employee receives the invoice from the credit card company and
company pays the approved travel expenses directly to the credit card company.
The employee will pay only any remaining private expenses directly to the
credit card company, if any.
Example: An employee spent 425 USD for air
fare (for official travel expense) ,125 USD for private expense using personal
corporate credit card and 75 USD for taxi in Cash(from his/her pocket).
The employee
will reimburse the taxi fare 75 USD from company. The employee will delete the private
expenses (125 USD) from the credit card receipt while assigning the credit card
expenses to trip. The company pays the approved
travel expenses (425 USD) directly to the credit card company and employee pay
the private expenses 125 USD to the credit card company.
Expense Employee
vendor Credit card vendor
425 USD 75 USD 425 USD
125 USD
75 USD
425 USD 75 USD 425 USD
125 USD
75 USD
variant 3: Settlement
of credit card for personal corporate credit card reimbursed via a central
company bank account
We can apply this process
variant when employees pay his/her travel expenses using a personal corporate
credit card, for which the company receives and pays the bill.
Example: An employee spent 425 USD for air
fare (for official travel expense) ,125 USD for private expense using personal
corporate credit card.
Expense Employee
vendor Credit card vendor
425 USD 125 USD 550 USD
125 USD
425 USD 125 USD 550 USD
125 USD
variant 4: Settlement
of credit card charges using a central corporate credit card reimbursed via a
central company bank account.
We can apply this process
variant when a travel agent books travel expense of employees using central
travel center credit card for which the company receives and pays the bill.
in CCC
Error Receipts for Credit Card Clearing
Assign Personnel Number to Credit Card Clearing
Assign Personnel Number to Credit Card