Customizing Time Evaluation

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The special structure of time evaluation means that numerous Customizing options are available to enable you to take account of company-specific requirements when evaluating recorded time data. These options include Customizing tables and process control features that can be modified in line with your requirements.
Unlike conventional time evaluation programs, where it is often necessary to make coding changes to cater to company-specific requirements, R/3 Time Evaluation provides a highly flexible program to control and customize time evaluation.

You can specify in time evaluation how excess flextime hours should be processed at the end of the month for individual employee subgroup groupings.
  • If the flextime balance exceeds five hours, the excess is converted to an overtime balance.
  • If the employee has a flextime balance of fewer than five hours, the hours are transferred to the subsequent month’s balance.
You can also define other procedures, such as capping the flextime excess at the end of the month, or allowing the employee to take time off for excess flextime hours.There are two simple methods of customizing the time evaluation component to cater to your company-specific requirements:
  • You can set up time evaluation in Customizing by adjusting the contents of tables.

For more information, see the sections on time evaluation in the Implementation Guide.

  • You can control the processing and evaluation of time data when you customize the system, and by customizing rule processing. This documentation provides an introduction to the numerous options available to you with regard to process control features.